Woking FC Map (Football Club)

Satellite map of Woking Football Club (Woking FC), located in Kingfield Road, Woking, Surrey UK.

Map of Woking FC Surrey England

Map Woking FC (Football Club): Here is a satellite map of Woking Football Club (FC), situated in the Kingfield Stadium in Kingfield Road, Woking. Click on "MAP" to get a street map of the area.

Address, Postcode and Contact Details for Woking FC:

Woking Football Club - Kingfield Stadium, Kingfield Rd, Woking GU22 9AA. Telephone Number: 01483 772470.

Woking Surrey - A large town positioned in the county of Surrey, Woking has a resident population of around 62,796, and is handily placed just twenty three miles from the centre of London, inside the bustling commuter belt of the City. The neighborhood was unquestionably settled during the Saxon period, though its heritage may perhaps go back even further.

The area that was the first settlement is currently referred to as Old Woking, whilst the more recent modern town lies near the station and the banks of the Basingstoke Canal. Woking boasts lots of quality amenities that can be appreciated by its inhabitants and visitors to Woking, among the most popular being the "Pool in the Park" swimming complex, the enormous Peacocks Shopping Centre, Woking Market, Wolsey Place Shopping Centre, and Woking Leisure Centre.

Woking has terrific road and rail links with London and additionally (via the M3 and A3) with the English South-West. Woking centre stands where the A320 joins with the A324.

More Woking Info: Map of Woking Leisure Centre, Map of the Pool in the Park, Map Woking Golf Club, Bus, Halfords Woking Map